Monday, July 20, 2009

Michelle Adams Graduation Party

Michelle Adams graduated this year from Gretna High School. She was her class Valedictorian, pretty impressive, eh?
We had folks there from Saint Andrews UMC where Michelle attends, along with a lot of family and friends.

There were a lot of Michelle's friends there, a bunch had also graduated this year.
Mark Adams was the cook on the grill. He rolled in with a custom grill on a trailer.
They played badminton, croquet , and a bean bag toss game.
It was an evening to celebrate Michelle's accomplishment. Michelle will be going to the University of Virginia this Fall.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Glad to know about your graduation party. My friend is planning a get together for all old friends at one of budgeted LA venues in a couple of months. Hope she books nice venue soon and surprise all her friends. Will help her in doing all arrangements!