Sunday, June 29, 2008

Fith Sunday

The is a tradition at the Mt. Airy Charge that there is no preaching on 5th Sundays. So I proposed that we have a Sunday of Praise and Worship the 5th Sunday of June. We arranged for Meade's Messengers from Meade Memorial UMC to come and lead a combined service of all three churches. The ministry team consists of Becky Grandy, Dianna Perkins, and (my) Joanne Johnson. Joanne is the church secretary at Meade Memorial, that was where she met Becky and got to singing with Dianna and her.
Accompanying on keyboard is Becky's son, Matt Grandy.

Of course, as good United Methodists, we had an excellent lunch following the worship service. Well, there goes the diet. Again.

Just in case you wanted to know, I made the lasagna that Jo and I brought. That's right, Charlie cooked. Sorta, I took it out of the freeze, put it in the oven at the parsonage, timed it, and took it out done. Couldn't have burned it too badly, there was none left.

Why must there be so many desserts? Isn't there something about causing a dieting brother to stumble? Well, it does not apply to desserts, I'm sure of that.

What good game of worship, food, and fellowship is complete without some games and just hanging out together.

This was a good Sunday and we really had church.

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