Friday, June 20, 2008

2008 VAUMC Annual Conference, Day 1, June 15th

Before we get started, I apologize for fuzzy pictures. The lens stays open longer inside with no flash and I can't keep it very still. I think its time for a camera with motion stabilization. Anyway, you should still be able to get the general idea of the picture. Also, I didn't get any pictures at the new pastor's banquet. Since I got there late, I thought it was best to keep a low profile in front of my D.S. and the Bishop. When they said they were starting at 5 o'clock they were serious.
Watching people file into the Roanoke Civic Center reminded me of the gathering of the Scottish Clans. The was the Lynchburg Clan, the Appomattox Clan, the Richmond Clan, you get the idea.
This was a night for the Service of Remembrance and Holy Communion.
We had the leaders of the clans, the District Superintendents. And, of course the Chieftain of the clans, our Bishop.
There was time during the evening service of remembering those clergy and clergy spouses who had died since the last Annual Conference.
When a name was read, those who knew them or were connected in someway with them, would stand throughout the auditorium.
After each name was read, the entire auditorium in unison would say, "Thank You, Lord, for this your servant". It was a sobering start to the conference.
The Rappahannock District Youth Choir provided special music throughout the evening service.
Bishop Charlene Kammerer, officiated the communion service.

Communion for 4000. That which binds us together is so much greater that that which divides us.

Joanne said it was the biggest chunk of communion bread she had ever received. It took her two bites to get it all.

George and Kathy Schaefer.
Charlie and Joanne Johnson
Practice for the Ordering of Ministry Service the next day, everyone find the seat with your name on it.
It was good to see all the familiar faces from Licensing School (see previous blogs about Licensing School). Being in gathering this big, it was nice to know you had friends around.
I think just about everyone was so accustomed to me taking pictures by now, that they didn't mind to much. I had become like the pesky gnat that you can't shoo away. That wasn't my analogy, I prefer the puppy that you get accustomed to it being underfoot.

Now, let's all find find our places in line, alphabetically, and remember who is in front and behind you.

Practicing our parts on stage. Finally, we're done, let's all go and get some sleep.


Rumpole said...

Great as always Charlie. Enjoy your blog even though I am an old old timer and am convinced that these new computer things will just never last! No one will use them. Will stay in touch so we can see just how useful licensing school was LOL.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Charlie for covering the Eyes Wide Open display, sponsored by the Board of Church and Society. If I could make one clarification, the boots actually totaled 125 and this was only our Virginia soldiers killed in Iraq, not any other regions. Great pictures, thanks again. For more information, check out the Eyes Wide Open web-site.