Thursday, June 19, 2008

Fathers Day

On Fathers Day we had some small goodies for the fathers in the churches. Joanne took some Hershey chunk bars and made new wrappers for them that said "Happy Fathers Day" with the outline of a necktie. It is a good thing to have a creative wife, AMEN.

Now, it was necessary to remind the guys not to eat the chocolate candy in church.

The last thing we needed was chocolate stain on the pew cushions.

Though if they had the sugar surge, I might have fewer snoring folks in the pews.

Again, we reminded them that being a biological father isn't the only way of being a father. You can be an adoptive father or a spiritual father, both no less important than being the biological father. I reminded them that when we baptize a child the entire congregation vows to "nurture one another in the Christian faith and life and include this child now before you in your care" and to "surround this child with a community of love and forgiveness" and finally "to pray for them". The body of faith takes on parental roles for the child baptized. It is a connection that binds us to one another and makes all us guys "Dads".

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