Sunday, April 27, 2008

St. Andrews Spaghetti Supper

Saturday evening we a spaghetti supper at St. Andrews. What made this one interesting was the the men did the cooking. (There were many in prayer during the preparation) A.J. Nuchols made the salad and cooked the noodles. We had enough spaghetti to feed 40.
David Adams and Bill Wyatt made an abundance of spaghetti sauce. We had 3 crockpots full of sauce and there wasn't much left over. I had the important, difficult, and life threatening job of slicing the bread, buttering it, and placing the trays in the oven. Man, did I work up an appetite.
We had 32 folks join us for dinner. They brought drinks, salad dressing, chips & dip, and desserts. I had to grab a chocolate chip cookie before the meal started, just to be sure I got one.
It was a great couple of hours of fellowship for the entire church. For you folks in larger urban/suburban churches, imagine a fellowship meal where you know everyone there. We always talk about the United Methodist Church is a connectional church. Well folks, this is connectional and its great.

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