Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Mount Airy Charge Conference 2008

October 26th, the Mount Airy Charge had their Charge Conference for 2008 at Providence UMC. We had our members there from all three churches. This was my second Charge Conference as a pastor and it went very well.
The reports were distributed to all those attending. You have to understand, I am not an administrative type. Putting together the reports and getting information is not my cup of tea.
Fortunately for me, I have some very efficient members who got their stuff together for me. Also, I am blessed with a wife who knows how to do this stuff.
Larry Davies, our new District Superintendent, presided over the meeting.
Joanne served as the secretary for the Charge Conference, making sure everything got signed that need to be signed. All the I's dotted and T's crossed.

Larry shared a devotion with us. He also took the oportunity to get in some ribbing on me. When I was the Visitation Pastor at Timberlake UMC, Larry was the senior Pastor and my boss. When I left to come to the Mt. Airy Charge as pastor, he became my mentor. Then he became the District Superintendent and my boss, again.

And of course, what would a meeting or any other get together be without food and we had plenty.

Larry fielded some questions after the meeting.

As much as I dislike this administrative stuff, its worth it just to get to hang out and spend time with the folks from my congregations. I don't get the opportunity enough.

1 comment:

de said...

I love the food shots as well as the documentary quality. This blog really makes me feel as if I'm there.