Friday, May 30, 2008

Licensing School - Last Full Day

Well, its almost over, last day of classes. There's 3 hours of Educational Ministries, then Small Rural Churches, Professional Ethics, and a session on the Local Pastors' Fellowship. We also got a explanation of what we will be doing at the Annual Conference in Roanoke in June. Apart from that we're be getting names, addresses, and emails from each other to keep in touch. Even though we will all be seeing each other at Conference. We have several class members from Delaware, New Jersey, North Carolina, and Georgia that won't be at our Virginia Conference. Fortunately someone brilliant soul was inspired to make a list of everyone and their email addresses.

The real high point of the day was evening chapel. The dean of licensing school, John Crawford, is leaving and he did the worship service. At the end of the service we had a gift for him, which included a wiffle ball bat and ball, signed by everyone who played with him. Then he and Beth Downs gave each of us a pocket Book of Worship.

It has been a long nine days. Too much information in too short of a time. Strange bed and a stranger daily routine. I am tired. But, it has been an excellent time of fellowship and worship. The friends will be around a lot longer than my weary joints and worn out brain. I guess that's really what this time has been about for me. Connecting with men and women who are going to be doing the same thing as me and dealing with things like I will, and knowing that I can really call on one of them for advice or prayer. Not a bad deal, trade nine days for a boat load of friends

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