Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Haiti Program with Timberlake UMC UMW

Joanne and I had the opportunity to share about Haiti with the United Methodist Women at Timberlake UMC, where I served as Visitation Pastor before coming to serve as pastor for the Mt. Airy Charge. The ladies were very gracious, even though I ran well over our alotted time. I have always found it hard to stop talking when speaking about something that is important to me. Joanne kept trying to get me to finish, but I was totally oblivious. These are a few of the photos we used in the program.
These pictures are from children's program we did when we took some of our teenagers to Haiti.
Just in case you were wondering if it was warm in Haiti. The thermometer had been in the shade until we took this picture. 
Thomas and Taisie, our first grandchildren, were much younger when we visited.
Thanks to the Timberlake UMC UMW for allowing us to talk about something that is important to us. Hopefully, it was informative and motivating.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can't possibly be that 6 ft handsome great grand son