The other two churches of the Mount Airy Charge, Providence UMC and Saint Andrews UMC, joined Republican Grove in celebrating their Homecoming Sunday. It is something special to see all three of the churches coming together to fellowship and worship.
This year for Homecoming Sunday I was asked to speak. I told them that I was unaccustomed to being in the pulpit at Republican Grove. Usually, everyone sits on the piano side of the church and I use a podium on the floor level. It feels less like preaching and more like having a Bible study. I used the Book of Ruth for my scripture passage (no I didn't read the entire book), family photos I've been scanning (parents and grandparents when they were younger), an excerpt from the movie "Field of Dreams", and lyrics from a song by 70's rock group Blind Faith in the sermon. Somehow, to my surprise and the congregation's, it all came together. Isn't God amazing?
Brian Daniels, from Providence UMC, sang "You Lift Me Up" for us. The members of Republican Grove asked specifically for Brian to sing for their Homecoming after hearing him sing when they had joined Providence UMC for their Homecoming two weeks earlier. Brian has an excellent singing voice and I think that in the future Providence will be having to share Brian's talents more often.
After the service concluded everyone went out front of the church to enjoy the warm sun, while the final preparations were made for lunch. It was well worth the short wait.
As always, the food was abundant and delicious. I would try and give you a run down of all the food that was there, but I'd still probably forget half of it. No one had to leave still hungry. Homecoming meals are an excellent case for fasting the next day or two.Everyone enjoyed the meal and the fellowship. It was a good time for remembering, catching up on each others lives, and renewing friendships.
Looks at all these desserts! It is a diabetic's nightmare or, if you're a sugar junky like me, a really sweet dream. I made sure that the first thing on my plate was Doots Abbott's peach cobbler and there was still room for just a tiny bit of everything else.
It always seems that when I sit down with a full plate of desserts, someone comes around the corner with a camera. It never happens if I have a plate of salad. I tried to slide the plate out of view with my little finger, but I wasn't fast enough.
It was a great day. Thanks to all who worked to make it that way. Food, Family, Friends, and Fellowship; it doesn't get much better. See you all next year!
It was a great day. Thanks to all who worked to make it that way. Food, Family, Friends, and Fellowship; it doesn't get much better. See you all next year!
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