Monday, September 14, 2009

Lynchburg District Charge Conference 2009

The Lynchburg District Charge Conference was held at Court Street UMC. The Lynchburg District represents 18,442 members in 91 churches with 66 pastors. Three of those churches I have been blessed to pastor. The District Charge Conference is essentially our corporate business meeting along with a nice time of worship. We review the reports from the past year and elect delegates to the United Methodist Annual Conference.

During the message, Larry Davies, the District Superintendent, said: "The Lynchburg District is not meant to be a church. We are meant to support the church. So, what should be the most important overall purpose of the Lynchburg District? We are to offer support and resources to enable our churches to better serve the mission given to us by Jesus Christ."

After the meeting we had representatives from area ministries and agencies who had set up displays to let us know about themselves. There were displays from Marriage Alliance, Multicultural Ministries, the Virginia United Methodist Assembly Center at Blackstone, Organ Donation, Parkview Missions, the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and Heart Haven.

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