Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Mother's Day at Shiloh UMC 2012

This was out first Mother's Day at Shiloh UMC.
We actually had enough young people for a improvised Children's Message, even if one of them was over 6 ft tall. I first asked them about special things that their mothers did for them. Most of those answers revolved around illness. Then I asked what they were going to do special for their mothers. These responses were a bit more varied, "I'm going to give her a card I made", "I'll smile at her", and my fav, "I'm going to leave her alone all day".
We had plants for the "Youngest Mother", "Youngest Grandmother", and "Newest Mother". Kate's mother, Kackie Allen, won the "Youngest Grandmother" and Kate won "Newest Mother". Kate's sister, Jane, almost won "Youngest Mother", got beat out by a year.

We then recognized all the ladies attending as "Godly Women" and had a special gift for them. We realized all time ago that everyone serves a mothering role to someone, at some time and so often it doesn't get recognized. They teach, mentor, comfort, and so many other acts of mothering, its a shame to leave anyone out.
I did ask them not to eat the Hershey bars during service.

Kackie, Leah, Eli, Jeremiah Luther, Kate, Jeremiah, Jane, and Thomas
Joanne and me with Eli, Jeremiah Luther, Leah, Kate and Jeremiah.
Joanne holding Jeremiah, Kate holding Leah, Kackie and Eli.

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