Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Providence UMC Dedicates Their New Fellowship Hall

Providence UMC dedicated and initiated their new Fellowship Hall with their annual Christmas lunch. The congregation had decided to enclose their picnic pavilion in order that it could be used year round, not only by the church but by the community as well. They already have a community event scheduled for January. We had several guests join us for this very special day.

Of course what would a true United Methodist function be without an abundance of food. There was fried chicken, pork roast, BBQ, shrimp, ham biscuits, casseroles, baked beans, vegetables, and desserts. One of those desserts was Ann Adams' cherry cobbler, made with the cherries that she personally had climbed the tree to pick. I took an extra cholesterol pill when I got home, just as a precaution.

There may be some who don't see this Fellowship Hall as a major accomplishment. We know many churches have them. But, I would be willing to guess that none of those churches have a congregation of 10 active members. The church is understandably proud of what they have done. They have set an example of what a church, no matter the size, can accomplish when it lays hold to a vision.

This building will be used and enjoyed for many years to come.Well done Providence UMC, well done.

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