Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A Thought for Veteran's Day

As I was thinking about Veteran's Day, I got to thinking about all the men and women serving our country who are parents. What a balancing act they do between being defenders of our country, ready to place their lives on the line because of the duty they have chosen, and the love they have for their children, wanting to watch them grow to be adults. While thinking about that, I found the following pictures from when I was in the Air Force.

I didn't really think about it much back then, but today it's on my mind a lot.

1 comment:

Ex- Rock Ape said...

Just browsing through my much neglected Blog Spot and I see that you post on a subject with which I can concur...Family life of the Serving Soldier ( which also obviously includes all other Serving forces)

As you may recall, I served Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II for 19 years, was married to a Spanish lady and we produced a lovely daughter. As the years rolled on our eventual parting of our ways was inintiated by the separation that is inherant in all Service life. My duties in Northern Ireland came at a crucial point and sad to say, the bonds which had once tied us, were irretrievably broken. I'm happy to say that we're now very much older and just that little bit wiser. I'm posting this from Sunny Spain on a trip from UK to celebrate our daughter's 46th birthday. She in turn has produced a beautiful grandchild Elaine who at 13 is growing up to be a very lovely young woman