Sunday, July 26, 2009

Fields of Flowers and Hay

There are times when we drive to our churches in the country that the absolute beauty just blows me away. We came this week to find fields of Black-eyed Susan flowers spread out in fields of baled hay. I had to stop the car and just look.
This one field, where God has painted an incredible canvas, is only a small portion of the entire picture. The colors take the breath away. This what I get to visit every week. The picture on the canvas may change, but the beauty does not diminish. Wish you were here to see it, too.

1 comment:

Janaina Vidal said...

Hi Grumpy! Thank you for the massage that you leaft in my blog Peludinhos Carentes.
I would never expected someone outside Brazil come to visit me.
Thank you for the words and i hope a lifetime full of health and peace for you and yours.
PS.: This place is really beatifull and i wish to know someday.
Ps2: Keep visiting Peludinhos Carentes (the translation of Peludinhos Carentes is kinda "Needed's Little Fur")

Best regards