Tuesday, April 21, 2009

2009 Easter Sunrise Service at Saint Andrews UMC

Easter Sunrise Service at St. Andrews started at 7 in the morning. Next year I may suggest a coffee pot in the sanctuary.
The choir sang twice during the service. The second time was to close the service.
Daniel Nuchols has been playing for the choir and did a great job.
Joanne got drafted to sing. I ordered an accompaniment CD and informed that she would be singing on Easter. The song is titled the "Easter Song" and she nailed it.
Easter Sunday is the only Sunday of the year that I need to have two sermons prepared. Since there are folks from Republican Grove and providence who will attend the Sunrise Service and then return to their churches for their Easter service at their regular time.

I just can't see making someone have to listen to me preaching the same thing twice. Well, except Joanne, she has to listen to me three times each Sunday. So, I guess she actually she gets a break on Easter.

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