Saturday, February 7, 2009


This has not been a great week for Joanne. She was supposed to have started her physical therapy on Tuesday, but became very sick. We think it was the codeine in her pain medicine. So she has to rely on Motrin to cut the pain in her hand and shoulder. She has been in great deal of discomfort. She gets worn out doing ordinary things. I am afraid she does not have the best of nurses, me, doing her home care.

We have been blessed by the kindness of others. Joanne's cousin, Charlene, and my family have helped by bringing meals for us. Our congregation from Republican Grove UMC had a pizza dinner delivered to our home. Our friend, Alice, picked Joanne up for physical therapy and then brought her home yesterday. My sister, Karen, will be doing the chauffeuring to physical therapy next week.

I can't list all the people that have brightened Joanne's days with calls and cards of well wishes. I think the folks who brought us the meals had the same thoughts as the message Carl Wayne Adams wrote, " Joanne, get well soon, you know Charlie can't cook!" I guess sometimes the members of your congregations know you too well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Get well soon Joanne!