Last Saturday, A.J. and Lisa Nuchols had a cookout to celebrate the graduations of their daughters. Katie graduated from Lynchburg College and is now teaching elementary school in Lynchburg and Rachel graduated from Gretna High School and is headed off to the University of Virginia. They also recognized Lisa's sister Patti who graduated with her degree in education.
They had the cookout at their home. Their house has been home to 7 generations. The tables were spread over the front yard, with boards set on bales of hay. The only thing they asked each person to bring was their own chairs. It was an absolutely beautiful day, perfect for non-Olympic style badminton. A.J. stood up and announced that the food was ready and he hoped everyone was hungry. Now, when A.J. mentioned a cookout, I thought about going to Sam's and buying bulk hot dogs and preformed hamburgers. I couldn't have been more mistaken. A.J. said he had a steer processed (that is the proper way to say it nowadays according to A.J.). They did have hamburgers (custom made), also New York Strip steaks, Barbecued Ribs, and London Broil. It took three large cookers on a trailer to cook all the meat.
There was also a huge cooler with big baked potatoes and a large salad.
When it got dark they made a big fire in the side yard. We went over and sangs some songs. Lisa and the girls sang some very strange songs that Lisa claimed her grandmother sang to her as lullabies. It was a wonderfully relaxing day. Food, Fun, Fellowship, and kick it off with a crackling fire. Just think I get the awesome privilege of being the pastor here. Man, God must really like me alot. How do you say thank you for this. I guess you simply say, "Thanks A.J. and Lisa and Thanks God, thanks a whole bunch."
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