Sunday, April 27, 2008

St. Andrews Heritage Sunday

This Sunday, April 27th was heritage Sunday. Emma Jean Johnson shared with the congregation some of the history, tradition, and heritage of St. Andrews UMC.
The records for St. Andrews can be traced back to before the Revolutionary War. When it was moved to its present location, both the Methodist and the Episcopal churches used the site on alternating Sundays. The church was named St. Andrws Methodist Episcopal Church. The site was donated for a Christian church for 2000 years. The Episcopal church later moved to its present location in Mt. Airy. The original church is no longer here, but the new building is on the same site.
This is the church's oldest existing communion trays. It was made and donated by a former pastor.
This communion tray was donated by Emma Jean's mother-in-law.
I'm not sure about the date of this Bible, but it is the oldest one the church has and it was signed by the Circuit Riders.

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