Sunday, January 20, 2008

Christams Eve Candlelight ervice at Providence UMC

On Christmas Eve we had a candlelight service at Providence UMC. We used the program "9 Lessons and Caroles" from the UMC Book of Worship. Members of the congregation read the various lessons.
Brian Daniels, accompanied by Joanne Johnson, sang "Mary Did You Know". This was the first Christmas Eve Service held at Providence UMC, according to the congregation. It was the perfect way to move into Christmas day.

It seems like we work up to the day before and we're rushing here and there to get everything for everybody. We forget who and what its all about. We really need to make ourselves "in the mood" for Christmas. Have you ever looked forward to Christmas being over? If you haven't, well you've been blessed. I have to make myself in that holiday mood and a Christmas Eve service is just what I need.

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