On October 25th, Cortney Lee Dawson, was brought up front at Republican Grove UMC by her parents, Kevin and Heidi, to be Baptized. Cortney is the first new baby on the Mount Airy Charge in about 14 years. This is a big deal to the entire Charge.
These are the questions asked to the parents:
- Beloved, do you in presenting Cortney Lee for holy Baptism confess your faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ?
- Do you therefore accept as your bounden duty and priviledge to live before Cortney Lee a life that becomes the Gospel; to exercise all godly care the she be brought up in the Christian faith, the she be taught the Holy Scriptures, and that she learn to give reverent attendance upon the private and public worship of God?
- Will you endeavor to keep Cortney Lee under the ministry and guidance of the Church until she by the power of God shall accept for herself the gift of salvation, and be confirmed as a full and responsible member of Christ's holy Church?
To each of the questions Kevin and Heidi's answer must be to the affirmative.
Following the Baptism the entire congregation in asked this question:
Brethren of the household of faith, I commend to your love and care Cortney Lee, whom we this day recognize as a member of the family of God. Will you endeavor so to live that she may grow in knowledge and love of God the Father, through our Davior Jesus Christ?
The congregation responds:
With God's help we will so order our lives after the example of Christ, that Cortney Lee, surrounded by steadfast love, may be established in the faith, and confirmed and strengthened in the way the leads to life eternal.
It is a beautiful and moving service.
The grandparents and big brother, Cody, came up to stand with Cortney.
I get to hold Cortney for the Baptism, but I don't think she knew what to think of it. One thing I am sure of though is that she didn't like the water on her head.
Here's the whole family after the Baptism.
Now, these look like two very proud parents.
This is one of the things I love about doing what I do. I love to see parents committing to raise their child in the faith and to see her touched by Jesus. I love to see the congregation take seriously their responsibility to do the same.