I got inpired to try this by seeing what my daughter, Courtney, had done with her blog. http://www.splashinggrace.blogspot.com/
I'd like to think she got that creativity from me, but I have to just thank God she got it.
In July of 2007, I started serving as pastor to 3 small congreagtions of the United Methodist Church in rural Virginia. I had worked as a youth leader, Youth Pastor, and Youth Director for over 25 years. Before coming to the Mount Airy Charge I served as the Visitation Pastor for Timberlake United Methodist Church, one of the largest United Methodist churches in the state of Virginia. I don't mean for this to sound like a resume', but I want you to see how ill prepared I was for a small rural pastorate. It is by God's Grace that I'm doing what I am doing. When I accepted the assignment I knew I was in over my head, but by God's grace and the congregation's understanding assistance it is coming together.
That being said, I am having a blast. I hope to convey that in the photos and writings about my times and experiences. I have always believed that church should be fun and I am having more fun than anyone. Ain't God good?!
I'll probably also being writing about family stuff, parents, wife, children & grandchildren. Age gives me that priviledge. Also, no grandparent worth their salt could do less. Anyway I hope you enjoy the view of a rural pastor into the life and lives at the Mt. Airy Charge.